Please DO NOT respond...
Lately, church leaders, especially pastors, have been victims of ONLINE PHISHING, an online fraudulent message to trick others. Perpetrators create and send credible messages pretending to be coming from the priests asking for money and other favors.
Please DO NOT engage or respond
to such forms of emails or text messages. Simply delete
Emails pertaining to parish and archdiocesan appeals usually come with a secured way, i.e. thru OSV Online Giving, on how to make your intended donations and financial assistance.
Thank you for the kind attention.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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