About The Club...

The Jubilee Golf Club ASAP is a membership club located at St. Augustine Catholic Church on 3700 Callan Boulevard, in South San Francisco

The Jubilee Golf Club at St. Augustine Parish is a private club.

Membership Information...

New members must have posted 3 Jubilee Tournament scores or a current Associate Club,

Ghin#, and Handicap to qualify for Monthly Champion or Runner-up awards.

Please provide an email address to receive all Tournament Schedules and Club Activities.

Applicants must be sponsored or referred by a current club member and go through an approval process.

Larry Formalejo 
2023-2024 PRESIDENT

Johann Yuzon


Bernie Gano

2023-2024 TREASURER

Charlie Santos

2023-2024 RECORDER

To Apply For Membership, Click On The Form Below...

About The Charity Golf Tournament...

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