RCIA at St. Augustine

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults


St. Augustine Church offers a great RCIA Program.


Do you know someone who has thought about becoming Catholic or, for whatever reason, has been baptized but has not been confirmed or received Holy Communion? Please consider joining this year’s  RCIA Class  led and facilitated by  Deacon Nestor Fernandez and a team of knowledgeable catechists.

The RCIA program meets once a week  beginning in the Fall and concludes with the Easter Vigil where the students (candidates & catechumen) receive their sacrament(s). The class emphasizes prayer, discernment and spiritual formation as each candidate responds to their call to become followers of Jesus through the Catholic Church.

If you have any questions, know of someone who would like to discuss joining RCIA, are considering being a team member, or would just like to experience the RCIA process, please contact Deacon Nestor before or after Mass, email him at DeaconNestor@comcast.net or call him directly at 415-672-5252.

To enroll in the RCIA Program, please stop by the Parish Office to obtain an enrollment form. Submit your completed enrollment form to Amor Baldomero or Patricia Abdelalim at the parish office. You can also register online by clicking on the button or scanning the QR Code below.


Please pray that the Holy Spirit calls your friends, family members and/or acquaintances to seek a deeper relationship with Almighty God through his Church.

The RCIA Program is open to any person who:

  • Has never been baptized.
  • Has been baptized in another religion.
  • Has been baptized in the Catholic faith but has never been confirmed in the Catholic faith.
  • The RCIA Program is open to any adult age 18 and above only.

Overall Program Information


RCIA Classes are held each year from mid-September through the three weeks following Easter Sunday.


Classes are held in one of the Church Conference Rooms. 


Class consists of instruction and discussion in the Catholic Faith followed by the entire class attending Mass together at St. Augustine Church.



Once again, if you are interested in the RCIA Program, please stop by the Parish Office to obtain an enrollment form or download one from this page.  Submit your completed enrollment form to Amor Baldomero or Patricia Abdelalim at the parish office.


For further information, please call, Deacon Nestor Fernandez, Director of the St. Augustine RCIA Program at (415) 672-5252.


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