The Finance Council

The role of the Parish Finance Council is to assist and advise the Pastor in overseeing and controlling the financial affairs of the Parish. The Parish Finance Council is accountable to the Pastor, who has the responsibility for final decisions.

Members of the Parish Finance Council are appointed by the Pastor. Members are skilled in business and have a variety of experience in management, financial, accounting, legal, fund raising or related fields. 

The following are some of the functions of the Parish Finance Council:

  • Study sources of parish revenue, make recommendations for maintaining and enhancing parish revenue, assist in the development of programs and processes to that end, and coordinate fundraising programs.
  • Advise the Pastor in the financial and budgeting aspects of managing and caring for the parish buildings and equipment. Assist the Pastor in evaluating deferred maintenance projects and the development of a long-range capital improvement budget.
  • Oversee and review fundraising programs and expenditures for the parish and affiliated groups or organizations. Implement a uniform fundraising policy and guidelines for use by the parish and external organizations.
  • Review and recommend approval or disapproval of fundraising requests from individual parish organizations.

  • In conjunction with the Parish Council, educate parishioners with regards to stewardship.


Finance Council Members from left: Fr. Ray Reyes, Sabina Gotuaco, Virgie Sevilla, Essie Claveria, Elsie Palencia, and Joe Dulatre.


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