Ministries and Organizations
The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) exercises consultative and advisory roles to the Pastor in the administration and ministry of the Parish.
The role of the Finance Council is to assist and advise the Pastor in overseeing and controlling the financial affairs of the Parish.
Adult Faith Formation Team (AFFT) plans and implements a continuing process; whereby adults can grow consciously in the life of Christ through experience, reflection, prayer and study.
This process is made possible through existing programs, or developing and creating new ones that allows opportunities for formation, spirituality, morality, prayer and service. Usually collaborates with the Small Christian Communiiees and the Faith Formation Program.
Altar Servers serve in the gathering of God's people at mass, prayer services, funerals and weddings. They assist the presider; prepare the altar; lead the processions during mass, and ensure that what is needed for the celebration is brought, carried or moved into place.
Responsible for the preparation and care of the altar linens. This includes the washing and ironing of purificators, corporals, and altar linens for use at Liturgy and Sacristy.
A ministry that grows our faith through technology and social media. The ministry is responsioble for broadcasting all livestreamed masses through Facebook Live and YouTube.
A ministry that grows our faith through technology and social media. The ministry is responsioble for broadcasting all livestreamed masses through Facebook Live and YouTube.
Thinking of becoming a Catechist?
You’ll be helping families deepen their relationship with God. In today's world, children, teens, and adults, need the Word of God in their lives. They need to encounter good role models of faith.
Our program offers opportunities for families to share faith with each other and participate in parish activities.. You will not only be sharing your faith with the students; you will also share it with other catechists and FFP families.
It can be challenging at times but you’ll have fun. You’ll make new friends and you will be planting seeds of faith for the future.
This ministry is composed of a small group of conscientious, honest and dedicated parishioners who assist with the accounting of weekend offerings.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay ministers, who are properly formed, trained, and commissioned, to assist the clergy during Mass in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ, and to the homebound.
Provides hot meals to the homeless. This ministry provides a way of continuing the mission of Jesus to evangelize the world by showing our love & care for our homeless brothers & sisters. The ministry works hand in hand with the Sisters of the Missionaries of Charity.
The Fil‐Am Society of St. Augustine Parish is one of the oldest organizations in our parish. It came into existence during the infancy of St. Augustine Catholic Church in the early 1970's.
The original name of the organization was, The Philippine-American Community of St. Augustine. True to its name, the 1970's organization consisted of both Filipino and Caucasian American members of the parish community.
As a Gabriel volunteer you will be trained to provide emotional and spiritual support, friendship, material resources, and a great deal of love to pregnant mothers in need of assistance.
Lay persons who go through proper training and perform pastoral visitation to homebound parishioners and those in hospitals, nursing centers, care homes or their personal homes.
Hospitality Ministers facilitate the solemn and reverent movement in welcoming and ushering parishioners. Manages security, comfort and orderly flow. Gathers and secures, Collections.
Hospitality Ministers facilitate the solemn and reverent movement in welcoming and ushering of parishioners. security, comfort and orderly flow are managed. gathers and secures Collections.
The Knights of Columbus #9714, South San Francisco, CA are a fun-loving group, who serves the Lord in prayer and service. Become a knight and enjoy the wonderful benefits.
We are volunteers who care for, and beautify the grounds and church. Our team works together to update, improve, and maintain the grounds surrounding St. Augustine. Our goal is to ensure that our landscaping reflects the sense of welcome and worship we extend, to all who enter our sacred grounds.
The Legion of Mary is an association of Catholic men and women who, with the sanction of the Church and under the powerful leadership of Mary Immaculate, Mediatrix of All Graces, have formed themselves into a Legion for service in the warfare which is perpetually being waged by the Church against the forces of evil. The aims of the Legion of Mary are to increase the personal holiness of its members through the imitation of the virtues of Mary especially her Faith, Charity, and Humility
We visually enhance the sanctuary and other worship areas of the church. Our ministry ensures that the church environment is welcoming and liturgically correct, keeping in mind the safety of parishioners and the security of the Church. We utilize and adhere to the liturgical calendar to creatively and visually enliven the sanctuary.
The group was originally formed during the expansion of the church by Fr. Eugene Tungol. They became instrumental throughout the course of the project from the late 90’s to its completion in 2001. They went as far as to cook and serve all the parish dinners when parishioners were being informed of the expansion, before the project was formally launched.
We inspire by spreading the fire of the Holy Spirit and encouraging the community to participate. Together we are called to enhance the liturgy through our God given gifts.
Lay parishioners, with musical talent, background and training, can join as an instrumentalist, a cantor or a member of a choir, to provide music and enhance the liturgical celebrations in the parish. Music ministers are obliged to attend scheduled music ministry meetings.
The organization supports all the activities of the St. Augustine Children's Choir. Through their active participation and involvement, the children learn how to worship as a family and witness to others through song.
Our ministry welcomes families who bring infants for Baptism, prepares the needed materials, and assists in the rite. . Please call the Parish Office at 650-873-2282 for details.
Application forms may be downloaded or picked up from the Parish Office. Hours are Monday thru Friday, 9:00 AM TO 4:00 PM, closed for lunch at 12 noon for one hour.
A religious reader proclaims the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word from the Lectionary. It is essential that a Reader is properly trained and is willing to develop skills in proclaiming God's word with competence and eloquence.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) Is the preparation of adult candidates for Catholic sacraments.
The program is open to any person who has never been baptized; has been baptized in another religion; has been baptized in the Catholic faith but has never been confirmed in the Catholic faith.
The RCIA Program is open to any adult age 18 and above.
The goal of SALT is to give young people the knowledge and experience needed to make a difference in their local and global communities.
Duties include preparing the altar for Mass and cleaning the altar following Mass.
St. Augustine Small Christian Communities hold meetings during Lent and Advent for faith sharing sessions. SCC members meet for six or more weekly sessions per season. A community may choose to continue meeting throughout the year- weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Small Christian Communities live their faith through family, parish and community volunteer services. Small Christian Communities (SCC) are developed to meet the needs of individuals and families and the growing population of St. Augustine Parish.
St. Vincent de Paul Society, St. Augustine Conference is a parish branch of Catholic International Organization wherein the lay people strive to grow spiritually offering person-to-person service to the needy individual and family of the community. Assistance is offered in complete confidence and given regardless of creed, age or political affiliation. Human dignity and personal integrity is what the Society promotes.
Our ministry allows youth to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church through dynamic programming with other teens. Adult volunteers support the teen activities.
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Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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