A Catechist must be a practicing Catholic willing to share a faith journey with our young people. Love of children and openness to the Holy Spirit are required.
To contact the Faith Formation Office call (650) 873-2878
STEWARDSHIP is the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
Our team of catechists has the most number of certified volunteers in the Archdiocese of San Francisco. Most of our catechists have been recognized for 5 years of service and above. A few have already received the Papal Blessing for their service of 30 years or more.
Grade 2, Sat 11:30
FFP Core Team
Confirmation TA/Substitute
Grade 3, Thu 4:30 PM
Gr 4 TA Thu 4:30 pm
Sped 1st Communion
Sat 11:30 AM
Confirmation TA
Gr 2 Catechist Sat, 11:30 AM
Grade 2, Sat 11:30 AM
FFP Core Team
AA6, Thu 4:30 PM
Gr 5 TA, Sat 10:15 AM
Gr 1, Sat 10:15 AM
AA6, Sat 11:30AM
Grade 2 Sat, 11:30 AM
Grade 6, Sat 10:15 AM
Virtual TA
Grade 5, Sat 9:00 AM
Sped Intermediate Sat 10:30 AM
1st Yr Confirmation
2nd & 4th Thu, 7PM
Grade 2 Sub, Sat 11:30 AM
2nd Year Confirmation
2nd & 4th Thu, 7PM
2nd Year Confirmation, 2nd & 4th Wed, 7PM
Grade 4, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 3, Sat 9:00 AM
AA1, Sat 10:15 AM
Grade 6, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 1, Sat 9:00 AM
Grade 6, Sat 9:00 AM
Grade 3 TA, Thu 4:30 AM
Grade 5 TA, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 6 TA, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 3, Sat 10:15 AM
Grade 1, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 2, Sat 11:30 AM
Grade 6, Sat 10:15 AM
2nd Year Confirmation
2nd & 4th Thu, 7PM
Grade 5, Sat 10:15 AM
2nd Year Confirmation
2nd & 4th Wed, 7PM
Grade 3 TA, Sat 9:00 AM
Grade 2 TA, Sat 11:30 AM
Grade 2, Sat 11:30 AM
Education Commissioner
FFP Core Team
AA1, Sat 10 AM
Grade 5, Thu 4:30 PM
Grade 4, Sat 10:15 AM
Grade 4 TA, Sat 10:15 AM
1st Year Confirmation Coordinator
2nd & 4th Thu, 7PM
1st Year Confirmation
2nd & 4th Thu 7PM
Grade 1 TA, Sat 10:15AM
Faith Formation Program
Summer Office Hours
TUESDAY, Wednesday, and Thursday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
(650) 873-2878 or (650) 797-5955
CCD Schedule
Thursday Hybrid Classes:
4:30 PM
Saturday Hybrid Classes:
9:00 AM and 10:15 AM
Saturday In-person Classes:
Gr 2, AA2 & AA6 11:30 AM
Sacramental Preparation Classes (in-person classes only)
Reconciliation and 1st Holy Communion Grade 2, AA2, AA6
Saturday 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Do you have a student with special needs?
Please email
or contact the office at (650) 873-2878 or (650) 797-5955
Confirmation Schedule
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a Two-Year Course.
1st Year Confirmation 2nd & 4th Thu
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM
2nd Year Confirmation 2nd & 4th Wed
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
Have you watched any of your Free LENTEN Movies, listened to your Free Audio Programs or read your Free eBooks, lately? Simply click on the Formed logo and go on a most blessed Lenten journey.