A special project to raise funds for the completion of SAC's external church renovations.
It is our greatest hope that you will join our efforts in raising funds to complete the unfinished renovations of our beloved church.
The Giving Tree first started in 1995, under Fr. Eugene Tungol to fund the expansion of our church. In 2017, this was continued under Fr. Rene Ramoso to fund our altar renovation.
the campaign was relaunched in 2021 under the tutelage of Fr. Raymund Reyes with the goals of funding the operations of the parish, provide assistance to the various ministries, as well as to meet the critical projects, for the maintenance and external renovation of our church.
How blessed are we to have so many generous members like yourself, that we have been able to build, extend and maintain our church's structure?
As you may know, our community is growing. Just like any family, the more members we have; the more a home experiences the effects of wear and tear.
Through the years, parishioners such as yourself have supported our parish's continuous needs. It is our hope that this new generation of parishioners will step up in the same manner that previous parishioners have.
Because you are an integral part of our church family, we are pleased to invite you to be an important part of the 3rd generation of this exciting journey!
Your generosity will not only help our growing community, you will also leave an inspiring legacy for future generations as they see your name, or the name of a memorialized family member, engraved on a leaf of st. Augustine's giving tree, as they enter our church.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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