Altar Servers serve in the gathering of God's people at mass, prayer services, funerals and weddings. They assist the presider; prepare the altar; lead the processions during mass, and ensure that what is needed for the celebration is brought, carried or moved into place.
Outside of the priest or deacon, servers, more than any other liturgical ministry, are concerned with almost every aspect of the celebration of the liturgy. Those involved in the ministry are young boys and girls who have received their First Communion. Altar Servers are trained and supervised by experienced adult-servers who head the ministry.
St. Thomas Aquinas said, “The celebration of the Holy Mass can be almost as valuable as the death of Jesus on the Cross.” The priest is a representative of the people of the parish, and in his ordained role serves as a surrogate Jesus Christ.
It is the priest who presents the mystery of Calvary as it unfolds on the altar. For altar servers what an honor it is to serve the Lord as part of His gift of love to us, the Eucharist. Servers have a solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence.
Serving at Mass is a sacred responsibility. The attitudes, demeanor and posture of the altar servers point to a greater reality – the reality that God is present. Everything they do can direct people to the reality of God’s presence. Whether they are aware of it or not, their actions represent signs and symbols whose meaning is rooted in the works of creation and in human culture, specified by events in the Old Testament and fully revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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