New Parishioner Registration

What does it mean to be a parishioner? What are the expectations?


A parishioner can be defined as: “One who is registered and actively participates in the liturgical/pastoral life of the parish through the generous, sacrificial and proportionate sharing of his or her God-given giftedness of time, talent and treasure.”


As a Catholic and registered parishioner of a parish, I am expected to:


  • Regularly attend and participate in Sunday Mass
  • Regularly participate in the sacramental life of the Church
  • Develop and practice an ongoing personal/family prayer life
  • Witness to the teachings of the Church by one’s manner of living life
  • Seek to understand and practice what it means to be and live as an active and committed Christian steward in service to the parish and the wider universal Church
  • Commit annually to a generous, sacrificial and proportionate commitment of one’s time, talent and treasure in service to the broad mission of the parish and the wider universal Church without counting the cost or having any expectation of something in return
  • Recognize, understand and accept my need to regularly give and share rather than giving and sharing only when there happens to be a need
  • Acknowledge, as a registered parishioner, that I am to be a participant in serving the mission of the parish rather than only being a spectator.
  • Realize the necessary and ongoing importance of love, generosity, faith and family.


Let us remember, it is only through God’s love that we receive his gift of life. In the course of that gift of life, we are then the recipients of God’s varied grace and giftedness.



Through the Sacrament of Baptism, we are called to serve as God’s disciples, sharing, in gratitude, His giftedness and grace in love and service to God and neighbor.



Our expectations within this gift of life must not be allowed to take precedent over what is expected of us in gratitude thereof. “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Mt. 16:24)






To register and become a part of this welcoming and vibrant parish, click on the button below or call our parish office at (650) 873-2282 or email


Welcome to St. Augustine Catholic Church!


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