Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone shared a memo outlining the lifting of all Covid Protocols, with the exception of keeping doors and windows open to the extent possible. The Archbishop has left the final decision on how to safely implement the return to pre-pandemic practices at the discretion of the pastor.
At St. Augustine Church, and like most public places where people gather,
masks will continue to be worn on a voluntary basis. The Hospitality Ministers will continue to provide sanitizers as a precautionary measure to minimize the risks of contamination and spreading the virus especially during the flu season. We will continue to keep all doors open as long as the weather permits. Additionally, we will continue with our current practice of distributing Holy Communion under one species, the Body of Christ, and will look for a time in the future when it will be safe to offer Communion from the Chalice.
Also, we highly encourage everyone to attend mass in person if they are healthy and able. Receiving the Holy Eucharist should continue to be a top priority for all of us as the Sacrament of Communion brings us closer to Jesus Christ, and to each other. The Livestream Mass will continue to be broadcast for our homebound parishioners. Our Legion of Mary and Homebound Eucharistic Ministers are willing and able to bring communion to those unable to attend in person by contacting the parish office.
With close consultation with the Clergy, the Parish Council, and Staff, I intend to make the return to our normal liturgical practices cautiously and with our parishioner’s health and safety as our primary consideration.
THANK YOU. - Fr. Ray
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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