Almer & Diana Nofuente Family always attend the 11 am mass together. Their daughter, Skylar, sings in the Children's Choir. They love to do the March of Dimes and volunteer at school field trips and other Filipino events. Almer is an active member of the Knights of Columbus and very much involved with the Knights 9714' Programs.
Maria Eloisa Santos is one of our very active spiritual leaders in the parish. She and her family consider themselves humble servants of the parish. With her husband, Wilhelm, and four children, Nicole, Ann-Margaret, Kathryn and Ella are all active of SAC's Hospitality Ministry. They love to pray as a family and offer birthday wishes and flyers to deserving members of the parish.
Michelle and Don Coseng have three boys and one is already in college. They participate in Marian devotions held in the parish. The family serves as Hospitality Ministers and have assisted fundraising doing Santacruzan in the past. They practice Catholics values. They are a joyful family that loves to go on vacations and celebrate parties with families and friends.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
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