1st Sunday 5:30 pm Tagalog (Filipino) Mass Livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube
Holy Days of Obligation
Recitation of the Holy Rosary 8:30 AM (TBA)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Friday after the 9:00 am Mass until 5PM
Parish Holy Hour
Communal Baptisms
(none during Lent)
Stations of the Cross
Parish Office
(650) 873-2282
Faith Formation Program Office
(650) 873-2878 or (650) 797-5955
Your support may give you a chance to win
raffle prizes worth over $2,000.
Parishioners will get the chance to interact with the 15 Candidates when they host Hospitality Sunday on Sunday, March 23rd after the 9:00 am Mass.
Candidates will be selling raffle tickets at only $2.00 each which will count as votes for ....
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The parable of the barren fig tree contrasts the patience and hopefulness of the gardener with the practicality of the property owner. When told to cut down the fig tree because it is not producing fruit, the gardener counsels patience. If properly tended, the barren fig tree may yet bear fruit.
Throughout his journey to Jerusalem, Jesus has been teaching about the Kingdom of God. In this parable, we find an image of God's patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. God calls us to repent, and it is within his power to punish us for our failure to turn from our sinfulness. And yet God is merciful. He delays punishment and tends to us so that we may yet bear the fruit he desires from us.
This, then, is our reason for hope: Not only does God refuse to abandon us, he chooses to attend to us even when we show no evidence of his efforts. Next week's Gospel will give an even clearer picture of the kind of mercy that God shows to us.
On this Sunday's gospel during the OCIA's Rite Of Scrutinies, we'll hear about the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus asks the woman for a drink of water, and in their conversation, he reveals himself to be the living water that brings eternal life. This living water is a spring of water welling up to eternal life, which satisfies our deepest thirst for spiritual refreshment.
The water jar that the Samaritan woman carries represents our own thirst for something more in life. We often look for fulfillment in material things or in the opinions of others, but true satisfaction can only be found in Jesus Christ, who offers us living water that never runs dry.
As we journey through Lent, we are reminded to turn towards Christ and seek the living water that he offers. We are called to deepen our faith and commit to living a Christian life, guided by the teachings of Christ and sustained by his grace.
PLEASE continue to pray for The ELECT as they intensify their resolve to be in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).
For Baptism, Confirmation and First Holy Communion:
For Confirmation and First Holy Communion:
For Confirmation:
Visit SAC's Jubilee Web Page by clicking below for announcements and updates.
The Archdiocese of San Francisco has put together a website with resources on the Jubilee Year, including tips on traveling to Rome, local parish pilgrimages to Rome, designated Pilgrimage Sites in the Archdiocese of San Francisco, how to obtain a Jubilee Plenary Indulgence and more. To access these resources, simply click below.
15 Days - ITALY and SWITZERLAND May 18 - June 1, 2025
To inquire/reserve, please call Patricia @ (650) 873-2282
Keeping Our Parish Clean:
A Call to Action from our EC
**After receiving reports on rodent sighting in the Parish Hall**
As we come together in fellowship, it’s important that we also take responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of our church environment. After each event, ESPECIALLY those involving food, please ensure that all trash—whether it be compost, recycling, or regular waste—is disposed of properly. Trash and compost bags must be tied securely and placed in the designated dumpsters before leaving.
By keeping our spaces clean and free from waste, we not only protect the health of our community by preventing pests, but we also avoid costly clean-up fees. Let’s all do our part to preserve the beauty and safety of our parish for everyone.
Be on the lookout for the Ecology Committee's (EC) waste management tutorials, coming soon!
Stop by their table to sign up for more information during this weekend's ministry fair.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The #1 Catholic Meditation Prayer App
Hallow: #1 Catholic App
Special offer for new users is $1/year through the Archdiocese of San Francisco (Premium subscriptions are normally $10/month or $70/year!)
1. Go to https://hallow.com/parish/
2. Search: Saint Augustine Church (make sure the address is 3700 Callan Blvd. South San Francisco, CA 94080)
3. Continue with your email or phone number
4. Redeem the Hallow promo offer of $1/year
Promotional offer of $1/year is ongoing through May 31, 2025.
Offer only applies for new accounts.
Questions? Contact Nerissa Broas at nbroas@aol.com
Fridays of Lent (unti April 11)
6:30 pm
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Outside the Parish Hall
All proceeds will go toward the parish hall renovation.
With Individual Confessions
Tuesday, April 8th at 7:00PM
Please save the date. We shall be holding our Communal Lenten Penance on Tuesday, April 8th at 7PM. There'll be an opportunity for INDIVIDUAL CONFESSIONS. Thirteen (13) other priests have confirmed their coming to help and hear confessions that evening.
Please encourage family members and friends to come and celebrate this gracious sacrament of healing and renewal.
CONFESSIONS are also available on Fridays (4:30-5:00pm) and Saturdays (3:30-4:15pm). For Confession by appointment, please call (650) 873-2282.
Gain Plenary Indulgence
SAC Jubilee 2025
Pilgrimage of Hope
May 18 - June 1, 2025
During the 2025 Jubilee Year, the Catholic Church allows pilgrims to obtain a Jubilee Indulgence when traveling on a pious pilgrimage.
SAC is hosting a 15-day Jubilee Pilgrimage from May 18-June 1, 2025 to Italy and Switzerland.
For more inquiries, please call Patricia at (650) 873-2282.
Last Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Our Liturgical Arts, St. Joseph Ministry (the Josephines), and Italian Catholic Federation (ICF) decorated the St. Joseph Table with loaves of bread and lemons. Setting the St. Joseph Table is a tradition from the Sicilians. St. Joseph interceded for them to stop a devastating famine. In gratitude, they prepared an elaborate feast to share with the poor. Bread, a symbol of sustenance, symbolizes the end of hardships. Lemon, common in Sicilian orchards, represents fidelity in the Catholic Church.
Father Ray Reyes, assisted by Deacon Emil Lucero, celebrated the Feast Day Mass. Preceding the Feast Day, Paraliturgy and the Josephines hosted a 9-Day Novena, with themes of Hope honoring the journey of St. Joseph as Patron Saint of Families and Working Men. Deacon Emil, other men, sons, brothers, and devotees to St. Joseph led the daily novena prayers. The Weekday Pilgrims Choir of the Legion of Mary kicked off the prayers daily with their joyful rendition of "O Blessed Saint Joseph," replacing the four-year recorded version!
The Feast fell on a weekday, but the church was full! A singing procession followed the Mass to the image of St. Joseph where Father Ray led prayers, including the Jubilee Prayer to St. Joseph.
Following the Italian theme, the Valdez family sponsored the reception with home-made Frutti Di Mare, Spaghetti Marinara with Meatballs for those allergic to seafood, Raspberry Salad, Toasted Focaccia, and freshly baked Italian Crème Cupcakes.
Following an annual tradition, the Josephines will be gifting Grocery Easter Baskets to 10 poor families under the care of Saint Vincent de Paul Society St. Augustine Conference There's a widow, who is unable to work, who has three children, and relies on government assistance. One family has a special needs child. Another is a diabetic and a victim of domestic violence who is trying to get back on her feet. SVdP is also helping with a month's rent for an elderly couple, who just got evicted. We are grateful to our parishioners at the Feast Day Reception for their donation totaling $707 to help with the groceries. Similar to St. Joseph, the donors are powerful symbols of hope and support to those who face hardship or poverty.
If you are a devotee to St. Joseph and would like to support or join the St. Joseph Ministry, kindly stop by the St. Joseph table at the Ministry Fair this weekend, or contact Rosabel Achacoso Santander at belay79@icloud.com
Write-up/Photos from the SAC Communications Ministry
Last Sunday, March 16, 2025
The Praise & Glorify Choir, along with its booster team, the P&G 2, were united in extending their love to St. Augustine’s community by offering tasty home-made meals of BangSiLog, Pork/Chicken ToSiLog, LongSiLog, Shrimp Tempura over Rice and Arroz Caldo at flash sale prices despite the shortage of eggs in the market. Their menu included desserts such as Bibingka, Maja Blanca, Cassava Cakes, and Taho with Ube or Flan. Cotton candy, offered for free, was also a hit with both children and adults.
The P&G Family is very grateful for the response of the community. Two Council members and former mayors of South San Francisco and Daly City also stopped by to support the event. What a turnout! And everything was sold out!
Saturday, September 27, 2025
Every Friday, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for public Adoration after the 9:00am Mass until 5:00PM. It is usually concluded with silent reposition and Benediction on First Fridays.
Also each Friday, from 4:30pm, there's an opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of Confession. Please note of our newly refurbished Confessional, which provides the traditional screen that separates the priest confessor from the penitent as well as the option for a face to face confession.
Thanks to Deacon Virgil and the Liturgical Arts for making this sacred space for spiritual healing and reconciliation.
Every Tuesday at 7:00pm
An excellent way to deepen our knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scriptures, is to understand the context, history, and message of the different Books of the Bible.
Come and join SAC's virtual Bible Study every Tuesday from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Deacon Virgil and the SAC Clergy lead the study.
To host the Traveling Vocation Cross, please call Elsa Rozal at (650) 922-9618 or email her at entroz09@yahoo.com.
The Traveling Vocation Cross (TVC) Program provides an excellent opportunity for families to...read more
Third Generation Giving
An Ongoing Stewardship at Saint Augustine Church
Please call Amor or Patricia at @ (650) 873-2282
View details by clicking below
Pregnant Women in Crisis
Walking with Moms & the Archdiocese of SF
All around us there are women who are pregnant, and with small infants and children who need our help. You can join us in helping!
Check out our webpage, sfarch.org/walkingwithmoms. Pregnant women in crisis, who are poor, struggling and often alone are helped by our Gabriel Project angels. We don't stop when the baby is born--we continue Walking with Moms. Volunteer for the Gabriel Project today! Donate to our Gabriel Project Extraordinary Needs Fund to help pay for short term rent and/or childcare assistance.
Experience the life-changing and life-giving joy of service.
Volunteers are crucial to St. Vincent De Paul's work to feed, clothe, house and help people in need.
Serve a meal, sort and/or deliver donations-volunteers are always needed in order to accomplish more.
See the Face of Christ.
Be the Face of Christ.
For more information contact Jeunesse Raymundo at jeunesse00@yahoo.com.
ONLINE PHISHING are rampant, fraudulent emails or text messages . They use names of church leaders to reach out to their parishioners.
Please DO NOT engage or respond to emails or texts if you are targeted for a favor, especially if you are asked for money.
Finances pertaining to the parish and online archdiocesan appeals are ONLY directed through OSV (Our Sunday Visitor) Online Giving.
Always check with your church leader personally.
After the 9:00am Sunday Mass
This Sunday's hospitality will be hosted by the members of the 2025 Santacruzan Sagalas. Let's meet the participants of the Saint Augustine Jubilee Santacruzan...
We are grateful to the members of the St. Augustine Chorale, who hosted last Sunday's hospitality. Other than the usual donuts, they brought their favorite cookies to share with parishioners.
Come and join SAC's Jubilee 2025 Pilgrimage of Hope in Italy and Switzerland. Please call Patricia at the Parish Office for more information: (650) 873-2282 or
Tuesday, April 8 7:00 PM
1 Cor. 10:31
Your gift to the Archdiocesan Annual Appeal allows us to provide ministries, programs and services that benefit parishes and people throughout the Archdiocese of San Francisco. The Annual Appeal is an opportunity for all in the Archdiocese to come together as one community to support one another and everyone we serve.
The Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2025 goal is $6,400,000. St. Augustine Church's Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2025 assessment is $178,153, which is 20% of the ordinary income from the previous year.
Our second collection this weekend will go towards the AAA2025. Formal launching and pledges for the AAA2025 will be forthcoming in early summer. Thank you for your commitment and generosity for the AAA.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
Saint Augustine Parish is a worshiping community that enthusiastically manifests faith through action, with open arms for all of God's children.
We live God's Word and continue His Work.
The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.
Have you watched any of your Free LENTEN Movies, listened to your Free Audio Programs or read your Free eBooks, lately? Simply click on the Formed logo and go on a most blessed Lenten journey.