Welcome to St. Augustine Catholic Church

Mass Times, Services & Office Hours






1st Sunday 5:30 pm Tagalog (Filipino) Mass Livestreamed via Facebook and YouTube

Holy Days of Obligation

Recitation of the Holy Rosary 8:30 AM (TBA)

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Every Friday after the  9:00 am Mass until 5PM

Parish Holy Hour 

  • 7:00 pm Every 1st Wednesday led by the Knights of Columbus
  • 7:00 pm Every 3rd Wednesday led by the Youth and Young Adults


  • Fridays  4:30 pm to 5:00 pm
  • Saturdays at 3:30 pm to 4:00 pm
  • By Appointment - Please call (650) 878-2282

 Communal Baptisms  (none during Lent)

  • 2nd and 4th Saturday at 12 noon
  • 1st Sunday at 2:30 pm   
  • 3rd Sunday within the 12:30 pm Mass

Parish Office 
(650) 873-2282

  • Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
  • Saturday  9:00 am - 2:00 pm
  • Closed  12:00 noon - 1:00 pm
  • Closed Sunday and Holidays 

Faith Formation Program Office 
(650) 873-2878 or (650) 797-5955


  • Weekdays (except Tuesday) 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  • Closed 12:00 pm to 1:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 am to 2:00 PM

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Readings for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

"What must I do to inherit eternal life..."

An Invitation to being great

This Sunday's gospel, which narrates about the encounter between Jesus and the Rich Young Man, offers us the message to strive for holiness, wholeness, and to being great as God intended us all to be.

In this familiar gospel narrative, we have often misinterpreted the story by labeling the Rich Young Man to be a bad man which he is not. The whole trust of the story is actually that the young man is already really good. He is being asked by the Lord to be great. 

In the story, the Rich Young Man has obviously given a lot to God by observing faithfully all the commandments throughout his life. He believes he has given Him everything. For a while, he thought a lot was enough. But he was restless and what he had and has been doing never satisfied his deeper longings. He asked Jesus,
"What must I do to inherit eternal life?"  He actually asked about what is beyond observing God's commandments.

Like this Rich Young Mn, we oftentimes feel we have already given a lot to God. We've been very good parents, religious, helpful, obedient and caring children. We're good, honest and hardworking employees, managers, ministers and so on. But somehow, we come to a certain point in our spiritual life that we thought was enough is no longer enough. Then we encounter the kind of sadness of the Rich Young Man. This sadness will be in our lives until we give it all as the Lord asked of the Rich Young Man.

What is it in our lives that the Lord asks of us to let go so we can follow Him, imitate Him and live as God's beloved children? Is there any vice, attitude, or unhealthy behavior that God invites us to get rid of?

We are good people, there's no doubt! But we are asked to being great, a saint. One spiritual writer said,
"There is only one sadness in life. It is, in the end, we will not be a saint."


List of Services


What's inside:

  • Mass Intentions: October 14-20
  • Offertory: Including AAA2024 balance
  • Faith and Blue Mass
  • Month of the Holy Rosary
  • Acoustic Night 2
  • Adult Ongoing Formation by Father Jerome Magat
  • Marriage Encounter Weekend: Nov. 2-3, 2024
  • Hygiene & Snack Kit Drive

October 13, 2024 Issue


October 13, 2024 - After the 9:00am Mass

Host: Praise & Glorify Choir

CONVERSION TO THE EUCHARIST: through the Sacrament of Marriage

Cultivating Couples Prayer: Staying Connected in Christ  An Invitation For Parents, Married Couples and Engaged Couples 

Couples are incredibly busy - so busy that the there's always a temptation to make spiritual growth an afterthought or a future project once the children have left or retirement sets in. And even for married persons who are open to spiritual growth, the tendency is to focus upon praying as individuals, not on praying as a couple. Here's an opportunity to learn and appreciate the value of praying together through seeking meaningful insights into the daily Gospel reading.


Come  and  hear  Father  Jerome  Magat,  author  of  the  book,
HONORING THE COVENANT, as he speaks to parents, married couples and even to engaged couples at Saint Augustine's Church on
THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 17th at 7:00pm and will be repeated on SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER  19th at 10:30am.


Father Jerome's books will be for sale onsite and he will be glad to sign your book and impart a blessing.


Come join SAC for the Parol-Making Workshop on Saturday, November 16th, from 11:00am - 3:00pm in the Parish Hall.

This is a great family activity for a meaningful preparation for Christmas.  Pre-order your kit today!

Archdiocesan Annual Appeal 2024


We're just down by 25% or $41,936 to meet our AAA assessment of $165,428 this year. Thank you to all those who have given their pledges and continue to support the AAA. We hope for a 100% participation.

Thank You SAC Parishioners for your generosity.

Your generosity truly impacts lives.

Those who wish to give their donations or pledges
ONLINE can use the link below.
Once again, THANK YOU for your continued support of our parish and may God continue to shower you and your loved ones with His blessings.

Make Your Pledge Here. Thank you!
Make a one-time AAA Contribution Here

The grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes, receives and cultivates God’s gifts, and generously shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor.

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