This Sunday's hospitality will be hosted by the members of the 2025 Santacruzan Sagalas. Let's meet the participants of the Saint Augustine Jubilee Santacruzan...

About this project

St. Augustine Church will be holding Santacruzan 2025 in May, which is a religious-historical pageant typically held in the Philippines. It honors the finding of the Holy Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ by Empress Helena (Reina Elena,) the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, who ended the persecution of Christians.     

The Purpose

The main purpose of the event is for community catechesis, community building, and finally, to raise funds for the planned improvement of the parish hall.  Candidates for this celebration have already been recruited.

Antoinette Lim, 2020 
Malou Cu, 2014   
Del Zagala, 2011

The Candidates

Fifteen (15) Candidates have committed to participating in this year's search for Saint Augustine Jubilee Queen 2025. They were introduced last Sunday, February 2nd to the community at the 9:00 am Mass.

Parishioners will have the chance to interact with them when they host Hospitality Sunday on Sunday, March 23 after the 9:00 am Mass. 

The Raffle

Candidates will be selling raffle tickets at $2.00 each which will count as votes for the candidate who sold the ticket. The candidate with the most votes will be awarded the crown and title of Reina Elena 2025, in May. Funds raised from this project will go toward the improvements of our Parish Hall. Please visit our website for more information.

Each ticket has the chance to win the following raffle prizes:

1st Prize $1,000

2nd Prize $750

3rd Prize $500

5 Consolations Prizes of $100 each


For more information, please contact this year's Santacruzan coordinator, Ms. Cleo Cruz @ (650) 278-1638 or email her at
Thank you.

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